Monday, March 1, 2010

I~Move finished last weekend and this weekend there were no broken ankles to be had by any dancers.  My stint as a dresser was over and made a few new friends.  But importantly most of my focus has been on waiting.  Waiting to hear from a theater for a job.  I'm really hoping I can get a job this summer.  So if any of those theaters that called me back are reading this...Yes I want to work at your theater.....and bad.  But rehearsals go on for Danson.  And my leg from last week's capoeira mishap is feeling much better and the contusion just looks like a bruise on my shin now.  Just got to keep icing it and babying it but I can dance, run, hop, and jump on it.  So that's a plus.  Well, back to work I go and watching my phone like a hawk for a call from one of these theaters.

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